
60Vdc (6012B)
200Vdc (6015A)
d. Reduce the resistance of the load to draw an output current of:
17.0Adc (6010A)
120Adc (6011A)
17.5Adc (6012B)
5.0Adc (6015A)
Check that the unit's CV LED remains lighted.
e. Set the oscilloscope's input impedance to 50 and bandwidth to 20MHz. Adjust the controls to show the 20KHz and
higher frequency output-noise waveform of Figure 2-6.
f. Check that the peak-to-peak is no more than:
50mV (6010A)
50mV (6011A)
50mV (6012B)
160mV (6015A)
Figure 2-5. Peak-To-Peak Measurement Test Setup, CV PARD Test
Load Transient Recovery Time. Specified for CV operation only; load transient recovery time is the time for the output
voltage to return to within a specified band around its set voltage following a step change in load.
Use the equipment setup of Figure 2-3 to display output voltage transients while switching the load between 10% with the
output set at:
60Vdc (6010A)
7Vdc (6011A)
20Vdc (6012B)
200Vdc (6015A)