
You can also receive 20 bonus points for permanently passing an enemy car. To do this, you must stay
ahead of him until he disappears off the bottom of the radar. If he comes up from behind and passes you
again, you receive no bonus points.
Look for yellow diamonds alongside the road. You will see the diamonds after you destroy enemy
vehicles. Grab one of these to restore your car's engine and armor. In addition, you can replace your fuel
and ammunition by running over dots along the way. Green dots replace bullets and blue dots replace fuel.
If you still have fuel remaining when you run over a blue dot, you will receive 20 bonus points. If you have
run out of fuel, you receive no bonus points.
Once you reach a city, the screen will display the city's status. If you reach the city in time to save any
of its inhabitants, the survivors appear on the screen. You receive bonus points for each person you save.
You can use your bonus points to upgrade the condition of your vehicle or purchase fuel.
If you arrive too late to save the city, fewer survivors appear and you receive fewer bonus points.
After you receive your bonus points, press the fire button. A message from headquarters appears on
your screen. Read the message, then press the fire button. The Vehicle Upgrade screen appears. To upgrade
your vehicle or purchase fuel, move the controller up or down until your selection highlights. Then move
your controller right to purchase the highlighted item. After purchasing upgrades, highlight the word Go
and press the fire button.
If you arrive safely at the rocket base, the rocket will launch the world-saving satellite and you will
win the game.
Learn which store items you need to purchase at the cities. If you are really good at acquiring the off-
road yellow diamonds, you may only need to purchase better tires and fuel at most stops.
Watch out for cars behind you! Quick braking will destroy them without damage to your car.
Learn to power surge. Head-on collisions hurt more than just your car's expensive paint job.
Go off the right side of the road immediately after destroying an enemy vehicle and you might get a
valuable diamond.
Ramming Enemy Car ......................................... 10 points
Shooting Enemy Car ......................................... 10 points
Completing Road Segment ......................................... 10 points
Running Over Blue Fuel Dot With Fuel Remaining ......................................... 20 points
Permanently Passing Enemy Car ......................................... 20 points
Destroying Enemy Car ......................................... 200 points
Picking Up Yellow Diamond ......................................... 500 points
After you have finished each level, you will have accumulated 1800 points for the road segments
completed within that level.