
Games 5, 6, 7, and 8 have a moving "window" which is positioned in front of the water tower on the
screen. Time your shot so that the man travels through the window en route to the water tower. The water
tower cannot be moved in Games 5, 6, 7, and 8.
In one-player games, you score one point for each successful shot. The computer records one point
against you for each miss. Your score is shown at the top, left side of the screen. The number of misses is
displayed at the top, right side of the screen.
The game ends after seven successful "shots" or seven misses. In two-player games, each player
scores one point for a successful "shot". Misses have no effect on scoring. The first player to score seven
points is the winner.
Note: After a player scores 7 points, the second player gets one more turn before the game ends.
The left player's score is shown at the top, left side of the screen; the right player's score is shown at
the top right side of the screen.