
Saboteur(TM) was developed as a prototype by ATARI and never released to the public until now!
You are Hotot, a cybernetic life form from a serene planet in a distant galaxy. Unfortunately, even in a
galaxy far far away not everything is as peaceful as it first seems, for Hotot has discovered an alien missile
base hidden on his planet. Manned by strange blue aliens, these evil intruders are using your planet as a
launching site for their deadly warhead which is posed to destroy the galaxy's power source. With the help
of the birdlike Gorfons, you must destroy the warhead, and prevent the destruction of the galaxy! Good
luck Hotot. You are the Saboteur.
Hotot To The Rescue
You have three missions to successfully defeat the strange blue aliens and their plans, each one
representing different stages of rocket construction.
Rocket Construction Site – Your first mission takes place on catwalks high above the rocket launch
site. Here Hotot must prevent the launch rocket from being completed by shooting the construction robots.
There are three different types of aliens that come across each catwalk, learn to identify them so you can
quickly tell friend from foe.
Qotile Construction Robots - Qotile Construction Robots run left to right across the screen,
carrying parts to help build the rocket. If a Construction Robot reaches the rocket at the far right of
the screen, it will be raised one step.
Yars Flies - Also manning the catwalks are Yar Flies from Planet III, these poor aliens have been
enslaved by the Qotile to help build the rocket. These giant insects act exactly like the
Construction Robots, so take them out as well.
Master Robot - The Master Robot slowly moves along the top catwalk. This robotic overseer will
shoot bullets at both you and the Gorfons, so try to take it out as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately the Master Robot can never be permanently destroyed, and will appear again after a
few seconds.
Gorfons - These squat yellow birdlike creatures are your only friends in the alien complex.
Gorfons run back and forth along the catwalks just like the Qotile Construction Robots, only
instead of adding pieces to the rocket, they steal them. Each time a Gorfon successfully reaches
the rocket, it will be lowered one step. Try and protect the Gorfons from the deadly Master Robot.
Warhead Factory – After successfully sabotaging the launch rocket, Hotot must now attempt to
disarm the warhead. The warhead pieces are being carried on the conveyer belt at the bottom of the screen,
but Hotot cannot shoot them directly. The Qotile have installed Photo-Phasic shielding over the conveyer
belt to protect the pieces from Hotot's laser blasts. To make matters worse, the Master Robot from the
Launch Site has followed Hotot and is now attempting to eliminate the security threat (i.e. you).
Although all seems hopeless, Hotot has one chance to destroy the warhead pieces. Scans indicate that
the Master Robot's shielding is modulated at the same frequency as the shielding over the conveyer belt. If
Hotot can deflect his lasers off the Master Robot, they should be able to penetrate the conveyer belt's
shielding and destroy the warhead pieces. Not content to just let you use him as a ricochet target, the
Master Robot has released security drones that will bounce around the chamber until they collide with