The odometer shows how far your vehicle has been
driven in either miles or kilometers. Press the TRIP
button to display odometer readings such as:
ODOMETER 12345 MI or
ODOMETER 20008 km
Without the keys in the ignition, you can also display the
odometer by turning on the parking lamps.
Trip Odometers
There are two trip odometers. Press the TRIP button and
TRIP A will be displayed. Press it again and TRIP B
will be displayed. TRIP A could be used to track the
distance to a destination. TRIP B could be used to track
maintenance periods.
TRIP A 130.5 MI or
TRIP A 209.9 km
TRIP B 300.5 MI or
TRIP B 483.5 km
The trip odometers can be reset by pushing the RESET
button on the DIC. Both of the trip odometers can be
used simultaneously.
Miles Since Last Ignition Feature
You can also display number of miles driven since you
last started the vehicle if you press and hold the RESET
button for two seconds, then release. The miles (or
kilometers) since the last ignition cycle will be set into
the trip odometer.
Elapsed Time
Press the TRIP button until ELAP. TIME is displayed,
such as ELAP. TIME 00: 00 : 00.
When the ignition is in ON, the Driver Information
Center (DIC) can be used as a stopwatch. The display
can show hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a
second. The elapsed time indicator will record up to
99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds, then it will reset
to zero and continue counting. (Hundredths are shown
up to 59 minutes, 59 seconds and 99 hundredths).
The display appears as ELAP. TIME 00: 00 : 00 in the
elapsed time function.
You can start or stop the elapsed time by pressing
RESET. To reset the elapsed time to zero, stop the timer
by pressing RESET. Then press and hold RESET until
ELAP. TIME 00: 00 : 00 appears in the DIC.