When using the accessory power plug:
DO NOT splice wires directly into the
vehicle electrical wire harness. If done
incorrectly, splicing may cause damage to
your electrical system and would not be
covered by the vehicle’s warranty.
The maximum load of any electrical
equipment should not exceed 15 amps.
Be sure to turn off any electrical equipment
when not in use. Leaving electrical
equipment on for extended periods of time
can drain your battery.
DO NOT use this plug if the electrical
equipment requires frequent connecting
and disconnecting. This may cause
excessive wear on the accessory power plug
and damage your electrical system and
the damage would not be covered by
your warranty.
The headlamp wiring is protected by a circuit breaker.
An electrical overload will cause the lamps to go on and
off, or in some cases to remain off. If this happens, have
your headlamp wiring checked right away.
Windshield Wipers
The windshield wiper motor is protected by a fuse and
an internal circuit breaker. If the motor overheats due to
heavy snow, etc., the wiper will stop until the motor
cools. If the overload is caused by some electrical
problem and not snow, etc., be sure to get it fixed.
Power Windows and Other Power Options
Circuit breakers protect the power seats and other power
accessories. When the current load is too heavy, the
circuit breaker opens and closes, protecting the circuit
until the problem is fixed or goes away.