Scheduled Maintenance
Engine Oil Scheduled Maintenance
Change engine oil as indicated by the Engine Oil Life
Monitor (or every 12 months, whichever occurs
first). Reset the monitor. The monitor will show you
when to change the oil
-- usually between 3,000 miles
(5 000 km) and 10,000 miles (16 000 km) since your
last oil change. Under severe conditions, the indicator
may come on before 3,000 miles (5 000 km). Never
drive your vehicle more than 10,000 miles (16 000 km)
or 12 months without an oil change. Use engine oil
meeting the GM Standard GM4718M.
The Engine Oil Life Monitor won’t detect dust in the
oil. So if you drive in a dusty area, be sure to change
your oil every 3,000 miles (5 000 km) or sooner if the
CHANGE OIL SOON message comes on. Remember to
reset the Oil Life Monitor when the oil has been
changed. See “Engine Oil Life Monitor” in the Index for
more information on resetting the monitor.