Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.5.2 Adding NEs
IP Address (for single
NE additions)
Enter a unique IP address for the NE. It must be in the form ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd, where ddd is a
decimal octet expressed as an integer between 0 and 255. The first octet cannot be a zero.
Note Prior to the NE ID discovery, CTM uses the NE IP address as a temporary NE ID.
Note The IP address field is unavailable when adding passive NEs and Not Managed/Other
Vendor NEs.
From IP Address (for
bulk NE additions)
Enter the beginning IP address for the range of NEs you want to add.
To IP Address (for bulk
NE additions)
(Optional) Enter the ending IP address for the range of NEs you want to add. Click Add to add the
range to the Selected IP field.
IP Address Selection Select one or more IP addresses in the Deleted IP field and click Add to add them to the Selected
IP field. Select one or more IP addresses in the Selected IP field and click Remove to remove them.
Only the IP addresses in the Selected IP field are affected by clicking Next.
NE Properties Panel
(Read-only for bulk NE
Enter a unique name for the NE in the form of an ASCII text string. Apostrophes (’) and quotation
marks (“) are not accepted. The NE ID you enter should be the same as the NE ID that is configured
on the NE itself. If it is not the same, this field will be updated with the NE hostname.
Note Do not use “CTM” as an NE ID because the Alarm Browser might contain CTM alarms with
the source ID “CTM.” It will be difficult to distinguish between NE alarms and CTM alarms
if they both have the same source ID (“CTM”). For the same reason, do not cause CTM to
automatically populate an NE whose NE ID is “CTM.”
Note If the NE ID field is blank, it will default to the IP address. After communication is
established, CTM autodiscovers the NE ID from the NE.
Note For the CRS-1 and XR 12000, do not use special characters in the NE ID. Special characters
should not be used in the router name, DNS/NIS, or /etc/hosts file.
Operational State Specify the operational state of the NE. There are four states:
• Preprovisioned—The NE has been added to the database for provisioning but is not yet in
• Under Maintenance—The NE is temporarily under maintenance but requires monitoring.
• In Service—The NE is currently deployed and requires monitoring.
• Out of Service—The NE has been marked Out of Service and does not require monitoring.
SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community string for the NE. The Cisco default is public.
Note The SNMP community string applies only to the Catalyst 6509, ONS 15216 EDFA2,
ONS 15216 EDFA3, ONS 15302, ONS 15305, ONS 15310, ONS 15327,
ONS 15454 SONET, ONS 15454 SDH, and Cisco MGX NEs.
Note When adding an ONS 155xx NE, this field is unavailable. You must enter the community
strings in the SNMP Community String table before adding the NE.
SNMP Set Only
Community String
Enter the set-only community string name used in SNMP messages. You must provide the
community string name to give the user SNMP read access to the device.
NE Service Level
Enter the username that the CTM server uses to connect to NEs.
Table 3-7 Field Descriptions for the Add New NE Wizard (continued)
Field Description