Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.10.2 Synchronization Settings for the ONS 15454 SDH and ONS 15600 SDH
Note Reference lists define up to three timing references for the node and up to six BITS Out
references. BITS Out references define the timing references used by equipment attached to the
node’s MIC-C/T/P FMEC Timing A Out and Timing B Out connectors. If you attach equipment
to the Timing A Out or Timing B Out connector, you normally attach it to a node with line mode
because equipment near the external timing reference can be directly wired to the reference.
• NE References—Allows you to define three timing references (Ref-1, Ref-2, Ref-3). The node uses
Reference 1 unless a failure occurs to that reference, in which case the node uses Reference 2. If
Reference 2 fails the node uses Reference 3, which is typically set to Internal Clock. The internal
clock is the Stratum 3 clock provided on the TCC2. The options displayed depend on the Timing
Mode setting:
Timing Mode set to External—Options are BITS 1, BITS 2, and Internal Clock.
Timing Mode set to Line—For the ONS 15454 SDH, options are the node’s working OC-N
cards (non-DWDM nodes), OSC cards (DWDM nodes), and Internal Clock. For the ONS 15600
SDH, options are the node’s STM-N ports (except for the ports that have been specified as
protection ports in 1+1 [LMSP] (Linear Multiplex Section protection) protection groups) and
Internal Clock. Select the cards/ports that are directly or indirectly connected to the node wired
to the BITS source; that is, select the node’s trunk cards. Set Reference 1 to the trunk card that
is closest to the BITS source. For example, if Slot 5 is connected to the node wired to the BITS
source, select Slot 5 as Reference 1.
Timing Mode set to Mixed—Both BITS and optical cards are available, allowing you to set a
mixture of external BITS and optical trunk (span) cards as timing references.
• BITS 1 Out/BITS 2 Out References (Applicable to the ONS 15454 SDH)—Define the timing
references for equipment connected to the Timing A Out or Timing B Out FMEC connector.
Normally, Timing Out is used with line nodes, so the options displayed are the working optical
cards. Timing A Out and Timing B Out are enabled as soon as BITS 1 and BITS 2 facilities are
placed in service.
Step 6 In the Status subtab, complete the following information:
• NE Clock
NE Reference—Set the NE timing reference to internal, BITS 1, or BITS 2.
Status—Read only. Displays the status of the NE clock.
Operations—Execute a switch on the NE timing reference.
BITS 1 Out—Set the BITS 1 out timing reference.
Status—Read only. Displays the status of the BITS 1 out timing reference.
Operations—Execute a switch on the BITS 1 out timing reference.
BITS 2 Out—Set the BITS 2 out timing reference.
Status—Read only. Displays the status of the BITS 2 out timing reference.
Operations—Execute a switch on the BITS 2 out timing reference.
Step 7 In the Timing Report subtab, you can view the timing status report summary for the node.
Step 8 Click Apply.