Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.7.1 Customizing a Network Map
Step 2 Use the Edit menu in the Network Map window to customize the Network Map. Edit menu options
• Enable Drag—Enables the drag-and-drop functionality.
• Enable Offview—Enables the display of off-view icons in the selected Network Map window. If an
NE has a link to an NE on a different map, the off-view NE is represented by an off-view icon.
Note The off-view icon serves as a hyperlink to the map that contains the NE at the opposite end
of the link.
• Change Map Background—Allows you to choose a different geographic background image for the
selected view. Choose one of the image files packaged with CTM, or use another image file.
• Change Node Icon—Allows you to choose a new icon for the selected node.
• Zoom In—Changes the magnification of the nodes by zooming in.
• Zoom Out—Zooms out to make all nodes visible.
• Zoom Area—Selects the area that you want to view. When selected, the pointer changes to a cross
mark in the Network Map and allows you to select the area that you want to view.
• Expand All Links—Shows links contained in an aggregate link.
• Collapse All Links—Hides links contained in an aggregate link.
• Circular Layout—Arranges and displays the nodes in a circle.
• Spring Layout—Arranges and displays the nodes according to the links that connect the NEs.
• Table Layout—Arranges and displays the nodes in such a way that the nodes are arranged in a grid,
or table. The nodes are arranged as close together as possible.
• Declutter Layout—Arranges the existing nodes so that they do not overlap. This layout is used to
handle nodes that appear on top of each other when you zoom out.
Step 3 The off-view icons in the Network Map can be enabled or disabled. In the User Preferences dialog box >
Map Preferences tab, check the Show Off View Icons check box to show off-view icons in the Network
Map, or leave the check box unchecked to hide off-view icons. Click OK.
Step 4 You can specify a fixed and locked pixel size for icons in the Network Map. In the User Preferences
dialog box > Map Preferences tab, use the Minimum Icon Size pull-down menu to specify the pixel size.
Regardless of the zoom level, the map icon size does not change when it is set to a fixed size. Click OK.
The icon size setting is saved with the other map settings.
Step 5 You can choose whether to use multiple windows or a single window for navigation. In the User
Preferences dialog box > Map Preferences tab, check the Open Network Map in New Window, check
box to open a new window for subsequent map views, or uncheck the check box to open subsequent map
frames in the same window. Click OK.
Note If you right-click a group icon, you can choose Open to open the map based on your selection
in the User Preferences dialog box, or Open (New Window) to open the map in a new window.
The File menu also contains Open and Open (New Window) options.
Step 6 You can choose whether CTM truncates long map node names by the first characters or by the ending
a. Return to the Domain Explorer window and choose Administration > Control Panel.
b. Click UI Properties.