Appendix B: Updating the Reader In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
Install files to 1700 flash memory
After the 1700 reader’s firmware has been updated, the .HTM, .JAR, .JOB and .SET files
included in the installation package must be copied to the reader’s flash memory before it
can be accessed via web browser. The required files are copied into flash through an
FTP login from a remote host on the network.
To copy required files from a web browser:
1 Open an FTP session and login to the target reader by typing ftp:// followed by the
reader’s IP Address into the browser’s Address bar (for example, A
Login dialog appears (Figure B-0-1).
Figure B-0-1: FTP Login dialog
2 In the Login dialog, enter the default User Name admin, then click OK to login.
3 If the FTP login to the 1700 is successful, all of the files currently installed in In-Sight
flash memory are displayed in the browser window, as shown in Figure B-0-2.
Figure B-0-2: Installed 1700 files