Section 2: Installing the 1700 Reader In-Sight
1700 Series Wafer Reader
To open a connection to a 1700 reader from an Internet browser:
1 Enter the IP Address of the reader into the browser’s Address Bar (for example,
). An Enter Network Password dialog opens.
Figure 2-10: Enter Network Password dialog
NOTE The IP Address shown in Figure 2-10 is only an example. Every 1700 reader installed on the
same subnet must have a unique IP Address, which must be consistent with the addressing
scheme in use on that network.
2 In the Enter Network Password dialog, enter the default User Name admin.
Every 1700 reader is pre-configured with three User Names: admin, operator, and
monitor. Each User Name is assigned a specific Access level. The Access level
controls how much interaction is allowed for the current user to prevent inadvertent or
unauthorized changes to the configuration.
! Admin Level (Full): The user has complete, unrestricted access to the In-Sight
system. Any job may be loaded, changed, and saved, and all menu selections
are available.
! Operator Level (Protected): The user has limited access to the In-Sight system,
which runs only in the Custom View mode of the spreadsheet. A user in
Protected mode can edit the values of all Graphics Controls functions visible in
the Custom View, but cannot change the functions themselves. The System
menu is available to toggle the In-Sight system Online/Offline, access Live mode,
Save & Load jobs (if permitted by their FTP Read/Write privileges), and
Customize the appearance of the interface.
! Monitor Level (Locked): The most restrictive level of access available, a user in
Locked mode can only monitor the operation of the current In-Sight system in
Custom View. The System menu is disabled.
NOTE If you are connecting to a newly installed 1700, leave the Password field blank. If you are
connecting to previously installed 1700 you may need to enter a password.