• The script commands are not case sensitive. Type the commands in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed
case. (In the following command descriptions, mixed case is used as an aid to reading the command
names and understanding the purpose of the command.)
• You must enter spaces in the commands as they are shown in the command descriptions.
• Brackets are used in two ways:
– As part of the command syntax
– To indicate which parameters are optional
The description of each parameter tells you when you must put brackets around a parameter value.
• Parentheses shown in the command syntax enclose specific choices for a parameter. That is, if you
want to use the parameter, you must use one of the values shown in the parentheses. Generally, you
do not include parentheses in a command. In some instances, however, you must put parentheses
around a list. For example, you must put parentheses around a list of enclosure ID values and slot ID
values. The description of each parameter tells you if you must put parentheses around a parameter
• Vertical bars in a command indicate or and separate the valid entries for the parameter. For example,
the syntax for the raidLevel parameter in the command description appears as follows:
raidLevel=(0 | 1 | 5 | 6)
To use the raidLevel parameter to set a RAID level of 5, enter:
• When you specify physical disk locations by using enclosure ID values and slot ID values, separate the
ID values with a comma. If you enter more than one set of ID values, separate each set of values by a
space. Put parentheses around the set of values. For example:
(0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3)
• Italicized terms in the command indicate a value or information that you need to provide. For
example, when you encounter the italicized term:
Replace the italicized term with a value for the number of physical disks that you want to include with
the command.
• You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names
of the following components:
– Storage arrays
– Host groups
– Hosts
– Disk groups
– Snapshot groups
– Snapshot images
– Virtual disks
– Host bus adapter (HBA) host ports
Names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If the label contains multiple words, underscores, or
hyphens, you must put quotation marks around the name. In some usages you must also put brackets
around the name. The description of each parameter tells you if you must put quotation marks or
brackets around a parameter value. The character string cannot contain a new line. You must use
unique names or the RAID controller module firmware returns an error.