NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the
names. Command names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the maximum
character limit, replace square brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
Configure Automatic Support Bundle Collection
This command enables or disables the automatic collection of support bundles on one or more storage
arrays when a critical Major Event Log (MEL) event is detected.
NOTE: This command must be run from the command line. It cannot be run in the MD Storage
Manager script editor.
supportBundle auto (enable|disable) (all | storageArrayName)
Parameter Description
Enable automatic collection of support bundles
when a critical MEL event is detected.
Disable automatic collection of support bundles
where the feature was previously enabled.
Apply the command to all storage arrays detected
from the host.
Apply the command to the named storage array.
Store the data generated by the command at the
location specified by the directorypath.
Convert Snapshot (Legacy) Virtual Disk To Snapshot
This command migrates a snapshot (legacy) virtual disk to a snapshot group and converts an existing
snapshot (legacy) repository virtual disk to a snapshot image repository virtual disk. A maximum of four
snapshots (legacy) can be converted to a snapshot group. None of the snapshots (legacy) can be in a
disabled state or involved in an in-progress virtual disk copy operation. If the base virtual disk has more
than four snapshots (legacy), you must delete the extra snapshots before running this command.
convert snapshotVirtualDisk baseVirtualDisk="baseVirtualDiskName"