Show Remote Replication Virtual Disk Synchronization
NOTE: This command valid only with Fibre Channel storage arrays.
This command returns the progress of data synchronization between the primary virtual disk and the
secondary virtual disk in a Remote Replication configuration. This command shows the progress as a
percentage of data synchronization that has been completed.
show remoteReplication (localVirtualDisk
[“virtualDiskName”] |
localVirtualDisks [“virtualDiskName1” ...
Parameter Description
localVirtualDisk or localVirtualDisks
The name of the primary virtual disk of the remote
replication pair for which you want to check
synchronization progress. Enclose the primary
virtual disk name in double quotation marks (“ ”)
inside square brackets ([ ]).
Show SNMP Communities
This command returns information about the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
communities defined for the storage array. SNMP communities are collections of devices, such as
routers, switches, printers, and storage devices grouped together to manage and monitor the devices.
this command displays the following information about the SNMP communities.
• The total number of communities
• The total number of trap destinations
• The names of the SNMP communities
show (allSnmpCommunities |
snmpCommunity communityName="snmpCommunityName" |
snmpCommunities ["snmpCommunityName1" ... "snmpCommunityNameN"])