132 | Index
Epson film
environmental conditions, 45
handling, 46 to 47
loading, 47 to 56
removing from printer, 57 to 59
using, 45 to 64
EpsonNet Config, 44
Error messages, 107 to 110
Ethernet port, 15, 41, 122
Faint prints, 112
Film basket
assembling, 30 to 33
attaching, 59 to 63
storing, 64
Film, see Epson film
Firmware, updating, 43 to 44
Garbled characters, 115
Ghosting, 112
Head Alignment menu, 87, 88
Height of printer, 122
Help, Epson, 11
Humidity requirements, 121
icons, 127
light, 16, 106
Ink cartridges
checking status, 81 to 82, 88 to 89
installing, 37 to 40
ordering, 89
replacing, 88 to 91
safety instructions, 14
specifications, 123
Ink, monitoring level, 82
Installing software, 41 to 42
Jams, paper, 117 to 118
Job history, 82
Language, control panel, 92 to 93
LCD display icons, 16
LFP Remote Panel, 43 to 44
Lights, control panel, 16, 106, 125
cut sheet paper, 66 to 67
roll paper, 45 to 56
Maintenance, 77 to 100
Maintenance menu, 94
Maintenance mode, 92 to 93
Maintenance tank
checking status, 81 to 82
ordering, 10
replacing, 97 to 98
Manuals, how to use, 9
default, 123
incorrect, 115
Media tracking, setting up, 48
Memory, requirements, 11
Custom Paper, 73 to 75
Head Alignment, 87, 88, 130
Maintenance, 94, 129
Network Setup, 130
Printer Setup, 86, 128
Printer Status, 43, 82 to 83, 129
setting summary, 128 to 130
Test Print, 82, 129
Messages, control panel, 106 to 110
Monitoring printer
control panel, 106 to 110
Moving printer, 100 to 103