42 FileMaker Server Getting Started Guide
The tests on the FileMaker Server Technology Tests page access the sample database
(FMServer_Sample.fp7) using FileMaker Pro or one of the web publishing technologies. The following
table describes the tests available on this page.
To test Do this
FileMaker Pro Click Test FileMaker Pro.
If FileMaker Pro starts and opens the sample database hosted on FileMaker Server, then the Database
Server is working and responding to requests from FileMaker Pro clients.
You must have FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced installed locally on the machine where you
are conducting the test.
To perform the same test another way, start FileMaker Pro on another machine, choose File menu > Open
Remote, select the server you want to test, and select FMServer_Sample.
Instant Web Publishing Click Test Instant Web Publishing.
If another web browser window or tab opens and displays the sample database, then Instant Web
Publishing is working. If successful, this test shows that the Database Server, Web Publishing Engine, and
web server are working. A FileMaker Server Advanced license is required for Instant Web Publishing.
Custom Web
Publishing with PHP
Click Test PHP Custom Web Publishing.
If another web browser window or tab opens and displays a table containing data from the sample database,
then Custom Web Publishing with PHP is working. If successful, this test shows that the Database Server,
Web Publishing Engine, web server, PHP engine, and FileMaker API for PHP are working.
Custom Web
Publishing with XSLT
Click Test XSLT Custom Web Publishing.
If another web browser window or tab opens and displays a table containing data from the sample
database, then Custom Web Publishing with XSLT is working. If successful, this test shows that the
Database Server, Web Publishing Engine, and web server are working.
FileMaker Pro
PHP Custom Web
XSLT Custom Web
Instant Web
Successful test pages