Chapter 4
Administration overview 49
Starting Admin Console
You can start Admin Console on a Windows or Mac OS computer that has network access to the master
machine running FileMaker Server. FileMaker Server delivers Admin Console as a lightweight Java client
to your remote computer via Java Web Start technology.
Note On Mac OS, your remote computer must have at least version 5 of the Java Runtime Environment
installed before you can start Admin Console. On Windows, the 32-bit version of Java 6 Update 16 is
required. See
“System requirements for FileMaker Server” on page 7.
To start Admin Console:
1. Open a web browser and enter http://[host]:16000 where [host] is the IP address or host
name of the machine running FileMaker Server as a master. This is the address you noted when you
installed FileMaker Server. The Admin Console Start Page appears.
Tip Bookmark the Start Page in your web browser. Come back to this page to access documentation and
to use the web publishing tools.
2. Click Start Admin Console.
Note If nothing happens, your browser might have downloaded the Java Web Start file but might not
have started it. Check your web browser configuration to enable Java or automatically open downloaded
files. You can also look for admin_console_webstart.jnlp where your browser saves downloaded files.
Double-click this file to start Admin Console.