
Neo Series Bass Combo Amplifi er
Front Panel Features
Front Panel Features
1) Balanced Direct Out:
An electronically balanced
low impedance output that you can run to your P.A.
system via a mic cable.
2) Ground/Lift:
Used to eliminate hum when
connnecting to equipment that is running on a
different ground system.
3) Pre/Post EQ Button:
Sets the Direct Out signal
before or after the EQ.
4) Direct Out Level:
Controls the output level of
the Direct Out.
5) Input:
A standard ¼” input jack to plug
in active or passive basses using an instrument
(shielded) cable.
6) -14dB Pad & Clip LED:
Reduces the input
signal from your bass. Press in if the Clip LED lights
up excessively
7) Tuning Mute Button:
Mutes all output signals
except for the Tuner output. LED turns on when
“Tuning Mute” is engaged.
8) Volume:
Sets the pre-amp gain after the input
9) 4/5 String Bass:
When engaged, this extends the
low frequency range.
10) Contour:
Cuts the mid-range frequencies while
boosting lows & highs.
11) Presence:
Adds edge and defi nition to higher
12) Treble:
Active shelving type control which
boosts and cuts the high frequencies.
13) High Mid:
Active bandpass type control which
boosts and cuts at about 1kHz.
14) Low Mid:
Active bandpass type control which
boosts and cuts at about 250Hz.
15) Bass:
Active shelving type control which boosts
and cuts the low frequencies.
16) Boost:
A post EQ gain stage using GK’s exclusive
Valve Effect technology, which adds ‘growl’ as it is
turned up.
17) Tweeter:
Master volume control for the 50 watt
horn amp. Output signal is 5kHz and above.
18) Tweeter Hi-Cut:
Cuts frequencies above
10kHz, which is useful for reducing hiss from the
19) Woofer/Master:
Master volume control
for the woofer (Main) amplifier. Output signal is
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