24 25
Code Valid Values Default Present
for ORP
G.00 pH/ORP input “PH”, “OrP” (see note 4) “PH” yes
G.01 Temperature compensation “AtC”: Automatic “AtC” no
“USEr”: Manual (see note 3)
G.02 Manual or probe error -30 to 130.0 ºC 25.0 no
temperature (see note 3)
G.10 Factory ID 0000 to 9999 (see note 9) 0000 yes
G.11 Instrument ID 00 to 99 (see note 9) 00 yes
alias RS485 address
G.98 Calibration password 0000 to 9999 (see notes 1, 9) 0000 yes
G.99 General password 0000 to 9999 (see notes 1, 9) 0000 yes
O.30 Baud rate (see notes 9, 13) 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 2400 yes
O.31 Modem calls answer enable “OFF”: disabled “OFF” yes
(see note 9) “On”: enabled
O.32 Modem country code Dialing code of a country where “000” yes
(see note 14) the modem of HI504902 is certified
I.11 Life check time “OFF”: life check disabled “OFF” yes
(see note 5) 1: 1 hour; 2: 2 hours; 4: 4 hours
I.12 Minimum pH probe slope 45 to 75 mV/pH 45 mV/pH no
I.13 pH electrode impedance “OFF”: disabled “On” no
test enable (see note 10) “On”: enabled
I.14 Reference electrode impedance “OFF”: disabled “On” yes
test enable “On”: enabled
I.15 Max ref. electrode impedance 0.5 to 100.0 kΩ 50.0 kΩ yes
I.17 Mains frequency (see note 11) 50 or 60 Hz 50 Hz yes
r.00 Current day 01 to 31 (see note 9) from RTC (see note 12) yes
r.01 Current month 01 to 12 (see note 9) from RTC (see note 12) yes
r.00 Current year 2000 to 2099 (see note 9) from RTC (see note 12) yes
r.00 Current time 00:00 to 23:59 (see note 9) from RTC (see note 12) yes
• Once a value is set, press the CFM key to confirm. The
instrument will turn to the next item and the new item’s
value will be displayed on the primary LCD.
• If a wrong value is confirmed, the
WRONG indicator starts blinking,
the new value is not accepted and
the instrument will not switch to the
next item until a correct value will
be confirmed.
• Instead of selecting the item manually, it is possible to cycle
through all the items of a selected group by pressing re-
peatedly CFM key. The procedure to modify the item’s value
is the same described above.
If the last item of the group is reached, by pressing the
CFM key again the primary display will show the group
name and it will be possible to change the group by press-
ing the æ or key.
Note At any time for exiting the setup mode press (ALT+) SETUP. If
no modification has been confirmed, no setup item is
Note While in the setup mode, if no activity is performed for about
5 minutes after entering the setup mode, the mode is auto-
matically exited and the instrument returns to the previous
The following table lists the setup codes along with the descrip-
tion of the specific setup items, their valid values and whether the
item is present for ORP mode.