P/N 480-0005-00-15 4-17
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Command Line Interface
config-EndpointAddressDirectory-1# remove 4. Remove EndpointAddress index 4 from the selected
config-StaticRoute-1# remove 2. Removes AliasAddresses 1234 in the selected StaticRoute.
The delete command will delete an entry for a CLI option in the system. To use delete, type delete or del fol-
lowed by the name of an option.
config-CASSignalingGroup-1# delete CASSignalingGroup 2. Deletes a CAS Signaling Group with
ID of 2.
config-ISDNSignalingGroup-1# delete ISDNSignalingGroup 3. Deletes an ISDN Signaling Group
with ID of 3.
The mapchannel command maps channels of a Digital Interface into a ChannelGroup. To map channels, type
mapchannel or map followed by the channel numbers and channel group to which they will be mapped. A “..”
indicates a range of values; + or - indicates to add or take away channels, respectively.
Before mapping channels, you must select a digital interface. A new Channel Group will be created if no
ChannelGroup IDs match the entered one. A channel group can only consists of channels from the same Digi-
config-DigitalInterface-1# map 1..6,8,10,22 CG 1. Maps channels 1 to 6, 8, 10 to 18 and 22 to Chan-
nel Group 1.
config-DigitalInterface-1# map +6..10 CG 2. Adds channels 6-10 into Channel Group 2.
config-DigitalInterface-1# map -2, 14 channelGroup 1. Removes channels 2 and 14 from Channel-
Group 1.
The submit command enables you to submit configuration changes. Type submit or sub from any prompt in
the Configuration mode and all changes will be submitted.
NOTE: Changes from other telnet sessions will also be submitted, if any.
After you submit, the prompt will change from “*” (indicating changes) to # (indicating no changes).