5-4 P/N 480-0005-00-15
Chapter 5: Working with SNMP
There are two steps you need to accomplish before HP Openview can interact with a Tenor CMS unit as an
SNMP agent.
• Download and install HP Openview configuration files specific for Tenor CMS
• Configure the IP address of the network manager in the Tenor CMS
Download and install SNMP Related Files
For HP Openview (network manager) to view and manage the Tenor CMS as an SNMP agent, you must first
download and install files from the www.quintum.com web site as follows:
1. Start up HP Openview. (For specific information, see the user documentation you received with the soft-
ware.) There are two ways to download the applicable files: from the www.quintum.com web site or from
the CD delivered with the system. To download from the web, go to step 2. Otherwise, for CD installation,
go to step 5.
2. From the web site, access a web browser (i.e., Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape) and go to the web
site www.quintum.com.
3. Download the installquintum.zip file to your PC.
4. Unzip the installquintum.zip file to the HP Openview root directory (this is the directory in which HP
Openview was installed).
The following files will be listed:
5. From the Quintum CD ROM, access the directory <CD ROM Drive>:\software\SNMP and download the
files (the same files listed above) to the HP Openview root directory (this is the directory in which HP
Openview was installed).
6. From the HP Openview root directory run installquintum.bat. Installation will begin. The following sec-
tion lists where the installation files are copied and which files were modified. You can use this informa-
tion to manually make changes to the files, if desired.
NOTE: If you have already ran the installquintum.bat, you must first run the installlquintum.bat clean com-
mand prior to reinstalling. This command will restore any changes made to the quintum files back
to the default parameters (see below for which files are modified upon installation).
installquintum.bat quintum.reg quintum.exe
quintum.conf quintum.fields quintum_type
connector_qdvoip connector_qavoip uninstallquintum.bat
quintum_sym Tenor_chassis.ico Tenor_A.ico