
Error Messages
135Embedded Web Server User Guide
Error 235: Unrecognized
Cannot recognize the
command and cannot
perform the help '?'
command as requested.
The entered command is
misspelled, or the prompt
is not positioned at the
right place. For the
appropriate syntax, see
the section of the manual
that corresponds to the
attempted command.
Error 236: Ambiguous
Cannot recognize the
command issued.
The command cannot be
interpreted because a
unique match cannot be
identified. For the
appropriate syntax, see
the section of the manual
that corresponds to the
attempted command.
Enter the complete
command and resubmit.
Error 237: Invalid Zoning
There was an
unidentifiable problem in
the local zone set work
Verify all parameters are
entered correctly and
resubmit. Otherwise, the
pending zone set should
be cleared and
Error 238: Invalid Feature
The feature key entered is
Verify that the feature key
was entered correctly and
resubmit. Contact your
service representative with
further difficulties.
Error 239: Fabric binding
entry not found
The user requested to
remove a fabric binding
entry that is not in the
pending fabric
membership list.
Verify that the correct
entry (both WWN and
Domain ID) is being
requested for removal
from the list and resubmit
the request.
Error 240: Duplicate
fabric binding member
The user requested to add
an entry to the fabric
binding list that is already
a member of the list.
Verify that the correct
entry (both WWN and
Domain ID) is being
requested for addition to
the list and resubmit the
Table 9: Embedded Web Serve Messages (Continued)
Message Description Action