
Viewing Product and Fabric Data
85Embedded Web Server User Guide
Parts of the Product Cell
The product cell has the following parts:
A graphic representation of the device and its status. For more information,
see “Parts of the Product Graphic” on page 86.
Information about the device. For more information, see the next section,
Product Cell Information.”
View Topology text that acts as a hyperlink to the Topology page for the
fabric (firmware 04.00.00 and higher only). Choose this hyperlink to view the
Topology page. (The hyperlink is found only on the Edge Switch 2/16, Edge
Switch 2/32, Edge Switch 2/24, SAN Director 64, Director fc-64,
Director 2/64, and Director 2/140.) Other HP switches and non-HP products
do not have this hyperlink.
Product Cell Information
Each product cell provides information about a device on the fabric as described
in Table 6.
Table 6: Information on the Product Cell
Information Description Availability
Domain ID Domain ID of the product
used in the fabric.
Available for any product.
WWN WWN of the product used in
the fabric.
Available for any product.
IP IP addresses of the product. HP high availability fabric
directors and switches only.
Name Nickname assigned to the
HP high availability fabric
directors and switches only.