Viewing Product and Fabric Data
86 Embedded Web Server User Guide
Parts of the Product Graphic
The product graphic provides the following information:
■ The maximum number of ports on the product.
■ A graphic representing the status of the product.
■ An icon representing the appearance of the product. You can click the graphic
to view the default pages for these devices:
— Edge Switch 2/16
— Edge Switch 2/24
— Edge Switch 2/32
— SAN Director 64
— Director fc-64
—Director 2/64
— Director 2/140
— Generic product. All other HP products in the fabric have a generic
product graphic. The generic product graphic does not provide a link to
the device’s default page.
The symbols that display behind the product graphic indicate the status of the
product. The meaning of each symbol is explained in Table 7.
Firmware Level of firmware used by the
HP high availability fabric
directors and switches only.
Status Status of the product, which
can be Operational,
Degraded, Failed, or
The following HP high
availability fabric directors
and switches only:
■ Edge Switch 2/16
■ Edge Switch 2/32
■ Edge Switch 2/24
■ SAN Director 64
■ Director fc-64
■ Director 2/64
■ Director 2/140
Table 6: Information on the Product Cell
Information Description Availability