access panel 14
acoustics statement for Germany 94
air baffle 14
airflow requirements 18
audio 76
authorized reseller 85, 96
authorized technician 52
auto-configuration process 46
battery 11, 65, 88, 94
battery-backed write cache (BBWC) 36
BBWC cabling 42
BIOS Serial Console 47
BIOS upgrade 47
blue screen event 11
BSMI notice 93
buttons 6
cables 35, 41, 49, 90
cables, troubleshooting 49
cabling 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
cabling, server 41
Canadian notice 91
cautions 52
cautions, electrical 52
cautions, power cord 52
cautions, ventilation 52
common problem resolution 49
components 6, 8, 9
configuration of system 46
configuration procedures 20
connection problems 49, 78
connectors 6, 8
contacting HP 85, 86, 96
controller board, installing 35
crash dump analysis 11
DAT drives 68
data recovery 68, 71
Declaration of Conformity 90
diagnosing problems 49, 53
Diagnostic Adapter 77
diagnostic steps 53
diagnostic tools 47
DIMM installation guidelines 23
DIMM population guidelines 23
DIMM slots 23
DIMMs 22, 23, 50
DIMMs, installation 24
disposal, waste 91
downloading files 96
drive failure, detecting 68, 69
drivers 48, 85
electrical grounding requirements 19
electrostatic discharge 95
enabling, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 40
environmental requirements 17
error messages 81
European Union notice 91
expansion board 32, 33
expansion slots 9
external device problems 75
fans 12
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
notice 89, 90
FCC rating label 89
features 6
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
notice 89, 90
firmware 83
firmware upgrade utility, troubleshooting 49
firmware, updating 49
firmware, upgrading 49
firmware, version 69, 84
Index 107