
Chapter 3
Using IVI with Visual C# and
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Visual Basic .NET
The Environment
C# and Visual Basic are object-oriented programming languages developed by
Microsoft. They enable programmers to quickly build a wide range of applications
for the Microsoft .NET platform. This chapter provides detailed instructions in C#
as well as the code for Visual Basic.
If you are looking for an example using
Visual Basic 6.0, refer to Chapter 9.
One of the key advantages of using C# and Visual Basic in the Microsoft
Visual Studio
Integrated Development Environment is IntelliSense™.
InstelliSense is a form of autocompletion for variable names and functions and a
convenient way to access parameter lists and ensure correct syntax. The feature
also enhances software development by reducing the amount of keyboard input
Example Requirements
Visual C#
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Agilent 34401A IVI-COM, Version, March 2006 (from Agilent
Agilent IO Libraries Suite 14.2
Download and Install the Driver
If you have not already installed the driver, go to the vendor Web site and follow the
instructions to download and install it. You can also refer to Chapter 1, Download
and Install IVI Drivers, for instructions.
This example uses an IVI-COM driver. IVI-COM is the preferred driver for C#, but
IVI-C is also supported.