Chapter 10: Configuring the HP Server
Use the keystrokes indicated in Table 10-13 to navigate the SDR Viewer Utility’s main window:
Table 10-13. SDR Viewer Utility Navigation
Keystroke or
Navigate up and down menu items or scroll through
displayed SDR information.
← →
Navigate between the File, SDR, and Help menus
<Pg Dn> Scroll down through displayed SDR information.
<Pg Up> Scroll up through displayed SDR information.
<ENTER> Select the currently highlighted menu item.
F10 Move between the Menu and Client Areas.
The main window has three menus:
File Lets you open and save SDR files to a LS120 diskette if
SDRVIEW utility is being run from a LS120 diskette. You
can also exit the utility from this menu.
SDR Lets you view SDR properties and reload SDRs from non-
volatile memory.
Help Displays brief explanations on how to use the utility as well
as copyright and version information for the utility.
Each menu has a series of commands with submenus.