
Chapter 10: Configuring the HP Server
Pull-Down Menu – File
The File pull-down menu includes menu items for opening and saving data files. These options are
further described in the sections below.
Table 10-14. SDR Viewer Utility File Menu Selections
Menu Selection Description
File Open Allows you to open an existing SDR data file for
viewing. Selecting this option prompts you to
specify a file name having an .SDR file name
extension. The option also provides you with the
ability to browse drives and directories for existing
files. If the selected file cannot be opened, the
program displays an error message.
File Save As Allows you to save the SDR data retrieved from the
system in SDR file format to a LS120 diskette if
SDRVIEWER is being run from the LS120 drive.
File Exit Exits the SDR Viewer Utility.
Pull-Down Menu – SDR
The SDR pull-down menu includes options for viewing sensor data record properties and reloading
sensor data records from the server. These options are further described in Table 10-15 below.
Table 10-15. SDR Viewer Utility SDR Menu Selections
Menu Selection Description
SDR Properties Allows you to view the general properties of SDR
information. You can view the following properties:
Version: IPMI version information.
Number of Entries: Total number of
entries for this Sensor Data Record.
Last Add Time: The date and time data
was last added to the SDR.
Last Erase Time: The date and time data
was last erased from the SDR.
Free Space Remaining: Amount of space
remaining in the SDR
SDR Version: SDR version information.
SDR Reload Allows you to reload the SDR data from the server.
This operation is similar to the one performed when
you first invoke the SDR Viewer Utility.
SDR Record
Displays SDR types. Selecting one of the following
types causes the utility to display the associated
record type in the Client Area. If no records exist for
the record type selected, the utility displays an error
Full Sensor Record SDR Type 01h