Chapter 11: Troubleshooting
Table 11-1. BMC Beep Codes
1-5-1-1 FRB failure (processor failure)
1-5-2-1 No processors installed/detected
1-5-4-2 Power control fault. Power-good dropped out. This
beep code occurs during run time
1-5-4-4 PWRGD-BUF failure. System did not assert power-
good on power-up. Check installed D2D
configuration, verify processors seated, processor
power pods are connected, and Legacy cable
connector is secure with no bent pins. This beep
code ouccrs during system power on.
1-5-5-1 CPU board interlock failure. Verify CPU board
inserted fully.
1 Power Supply Configuration Failed to retain 3+1
redundancy (1 Redundant)
2-1 Processor1 Power Good failed due to power pod
failure or not connected to 48V
2-2 Processor2 Power Good failed due to power pod
failure or not connected to 48V
2-3 Processor3 Power Good failed due to power pod
failure or not connected to 48V
2-4 Processor4 Power Good failed due to power pod
failure or not connected to 48V
3-1 Upper Memory board power good failed.
3-1 Lower Memory board power good failed.
4 12V D2D Power Good failure.
5-1 I/O 5V A D2D Power Good failure.
5-2 I/O 5V B D2D Power Good failure.
6 PROC 3.3V D2D Power Good failure.
7-1 I/O 3.3V A D2D Power Good failure.
7-2 I/O 3.3V B D2D Power Good failure.
8-1 1.8V D2D Power Good failure (processor board
Beep Code for 1-5-1-1 & 1 for Power Supply Configuration Failed to retain 3+1 redundancy
600Ms 600Ms