Installation and Start-Up Procedure
Chapter 2 23
Installation and Start-Up Procedure
The following components are installed when you install the HP-UX
AAA Server:
• AAA Server binaries, libraries, and utilities
• RMI objects that facilitate communication from the AAA server to
Server Manager
• AAA server AATV module for authentication
Perform the following steps to install and start the HP-UX AAA server:
Step 1. Log in to your HP-UX 11.0 or 11i v1 system as root.
Step 2. Verify the product dependencies are installed:
# swlist |egrep “hpuxwsTomcat|T1456AA”
hpuxwsTomcat A. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
T1456AA Java2 1.4 SDK for HP-UX
IMPORTANT Be sure you have the correct versions of the product dependencies
Step 3. If needed, install HP-UX SDK (product #T1456AA) containing Java2
RTE 1.4.0.x
Step 4. If needed, install the HP-UX Tomcat-based Serverlet Engine v
(product # HPUXWST100001) or higher
Step 5. Download the AAA Server depot file from www.software.hp.com and
move it to /tmp
Step 6. Verify you downloaded the file correctly: # swlist -d -s /tmp/<AAA
Step 7. Stop any active Tomcat processes. Use
/opt/hpws/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh to stop Tomcat.
Step 8. Install the AAA Server: # swinistall -s /tmp/<AAA Server>.depot