Glossary of Terms
Chapter 458
A realm has a name that looks very much like a
domain name, but they bear different meanings.
Realms are only used by the AAA Server to determine
where an authentication request should be sent and
what kind of authentication to request, etc. Naming a
realm with its domain name simplifies things for the
users, since their access ids will then look the same as
their e-mail addresses. A realm may also have multiple
aliases, providing a way to shorten long realm names.
Remote Access Dial In User Service
An authentication and accounting protocol defined by
the IETF in a series of RFCs, abbreviated as RADIUS.
Remote Access Server
A service that allows remote clients running Microsoft
Windows or Windows NT to dial in to a network,
abbreviated as RAS.
Remote Server
In the context of a proxy Access-Request, the remote
server is the AAA server that receives the request from
the forwarding server. The remote server authenticates
the request and sends a reply to the forwarding server.
Request For Comment
The basis for an IETF standard, abbreviated as RFC.
See Request For Comment.
See Simultaneous Access Token.
Server Manager
A Web-based graphical user interface which provides
an interface between an administrator and the AAA
servers. In addition to creating, modifying, and deleting
entries in many of the server’s configuration files, an
administrator may start and stop the AAA server,