Installation and Start-Up Procedure
Chapter 224
NOTE If the installation is not successful, an error message is displayed. The
cause of the failure will appear at the end of /var/adm/sw/swagent.log
Step 9. After installing the product, you will need to add the following RADIUS
authentication and accounting entries to the /etc/services file of your
server hardware:
# RADIUS protocol
radius 1812/udp
radacct 1813/udp
NOTE These RADIUS values are the server’s defaults and are specified in the
Step 10. Edit the rmi.config.secret item in
/opt/hpws/tomcat/webapps/aaa/WEB-INF/gui.properties and
/opt/aaa/remotecontrol/rmiserver.properties so the two values
are the same. This matching secret value is for secure exchange of
information between Server Manager and the RMI objects.
IMPORTANT The rmi.config.secret you configure in
/opt/aaa/remotecontrol/rmiserver.properties for all your AAA
servers must be identical to rmi.config.secret in:
Step 11. Start the RMI Objects by going to the /opt/aaa/remotecontrol
directory and running the rmistart.sh script. See “Starting and
Stopping the RMI Objects” for more information.