
Stick font
The default HP-GL and HP-GL/2 font consisting of thin lined characters.
Stroke weight The thickness of the lines that comprise the characters in a particular font.
Medium, bold and light stroke weights are commonly used.
Sub-polygon A shape consisting of a closed group of points connected by lines. Several sub-
polygons can form one polygon.
Symbol set
See character set.
Tab channel A set of up to sixteen vertical tab stops. Up to eight vertical tab channels can be set
up in the Epson FX-850 mode.
Temporary font A downloaded font that is erased from the printer's memory when a printer reset is
performed. To use the font again you must download it again.
Temporary macro A macro that is erased from the printer's memory when a reset is performed. If you
want to use the macro again you must redefine it and download it to the printer
Text area The area of the physical page on which the printer can place text.
Text direction
The orientation of printed text relative to the physical page.
TIFF Tagged Image File Format. A common file format used for storing raster graphics
See pattern transparency and source transparency.
Typeface The design style of a set of typographic characters. The character design is
intended to make the characters work together cohesively to produce readable text.
The word "font" is often erroneously used to mean "typeface".
User default environment The current combination of LaserJet factory default settings and settings made
using the control panel. This is the environment that is in effect when you switch
on the printer in LaserJet mode or change to LaserJet emulation from another
emulation mode. You can reset the printer to its user default settings either by
using a printer command or using the control panel.
User units Coordinate units specified by the user with the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 SC command.
Vector graphics A method of defining graphic images in terms of coordinates, points and lines.
The HP-GL and HP-GL/2 graphics languages use this method.
Vertical plot size The original vertical size of an imported HP-GL and HP-GL/2 image.
VMI Vertical motion index. The vertical distance that the print position moves down the
page when a line feed is performed. This can be set using printer commands or
with the printer's control panel by adjusting the "Lines" menu option in PAGE