
Select printing mode
Esc!n (27)(33)n <1Bh><21h>n
This command allows you to select a combination of printing modes with just one command.
The various modes are weighted as shown. Add the numbers that correspond to each mode you
require and set n to the total.
10 characters per inch 0
12 characters per inch 1
Proportional spacing 2
Condensed mode 4
Emphasized mode 8
Double-strike mode 16
Double-width mode 32
Italic printing 64
Underline mode 128
Double-strike and emphasized modes are identical.
Proportional spacing overrides either character pitch setting (10 cpi or 12 cpi).
Proportional spacing and condensed mode cannot be combined. Proportional spacing has
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(33); CHR$(138); 'Proportionally space, emphasize
& underline following text.
Select expansion of printable code area
Esc6 (27)(54) <1Bh><36h>
This command enables you to print characters whose character codes are in the range 128 to 159.
You can define your own characters and assign codes in this range to them.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(54); 'Expand printable area
Cancel expansion of printable code area
Esc7 (27)(55) <1Bh><37h>
This command prevents you from printing characters with codes in the range 128 to 159.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(55); 'Cancel codes 128–159
Expand printable code area
EscIn (27)(73)n <1Bh><49h>n
This command permits you to enable or disable the printing of characters whose character codes are
in the ranges 0 to 31 and 128 to 159. You can define your own characters and assign codes in these
ranges to them.
Set n to 1 to enable printing of characters in the ranges 0 to 31 and 128 to 159.
Set n to 0 to disable printing of characters in the ranges 0 to 31 and 128 to 159.
When you specify the value for n you can use the character codes for ‘0’ and ‘1’ (48 and 49) instead
of 0 and 1 if you wish.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(73); CHR$(1); 'Expand printable area