Epson Character Sets
Epson Character Sets
Epson printers use five character sets. The IBM Graphics Code Page 437,
IBM PC Multilingual code page 0850, OCR A, and OCR B character sets may
be selected from the configuration menus. In addition, there is a unique
Epson character set. The Epson character set (shown in Table 36) is basically
the ASCII character set with the upper, non-ASCII set defined as italics, and
the usually unprintable codes designated as international characters.
The international characters in 00-1F and 80-9F appear when you invoke
control code "ESC I 1". You may use the Epson configuration menus
described in your
User's Guide
(or the "ESC R" control code) to select an
international character set. Table 37 on page 156 provides information on
print mode support for each character set.
Normally, these characters are either blank or control codes. The
implementation is that the control codes hide the non-italic international
characters, even in hex 00 through 1F, and DEL. DEL conceals the non-italic
slashed zero.
Table 36. Epson Character Set
à§SP 0 @ P ‘ p
1èß! 1AQaq
2 ù DC2 " 2BRbr
3 ò DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 ì DC4 $ 4DTdt
5°ø% 5EUeu
6 £ ¨ & 6FVfv
£ ¨ &6FVf v
7BELÄ ‘ 7 G W g w
i Ä’7GWgw
8BSCAN( 8 H X h x
9HTÜ ) 9 I Y i y
ÑÜ )9IYiy
ALFä * : J Z jz
BVTESC+ ;K[ k {
CFFü ’ < L \ l |
ü ,<L\ l |
DCRÉ – = M ] m }
ESOé . > N ^ n ~
FSI¥ / ? O_oDEL
Ç¥ /?O_oø