
Chapter 4. IBM iSeries 270 models 87
4.4 iSeries Model 270 features
This section identifies the supported features for the iSeries Model 270.
PCI cards are subject to plugging rules. See PCI Card Placement Rules for the IBM eServer
iSeries Server, REDP-3638 for details.
Power and packaging
#0006 #0006 LPAR Restrict Build Process
The #0006 is added to an initial order where #0140 Logical Partitioning Specify is requested. This #0006 instructs
manufacturing to only load SLIC on the minimum number of disk drives.
This #0006 is mutually exclusive with #5000 SW Preload and with #0205 RISC- to RISC migration.
#0092 External xSeries Attach Specify
The #0092 is used to specify the number of External xSeries Servers connected to the system. The IBM marketing
configurator uses this specify code to determine the number of HSL and SPCN cables required and to ensure that the
number of External xSeries Servers does not exceed the system limit. Each External xSeries Server is connected using
HSL cables and attached to the SPCN string like all other HSL attached I/O towers.
Corequisite: A 1519-100 Integrated xSeries Adapter for iSeries must be installed in each External xSeries Server attached.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1 for 1519-100 Integrated xSeries Adapter for iSeries
#0121 #0121 Lower Unit in Rack Specify
The #0121 identifies that the 270 server is to be installed in the lower position of a #0551 iSeries Rack. The Model 270
requires 15 EIA units, which leaves 21 EIA units available in the rack for other devices. The #0121 provides the appropriate
mounting rails and tray for installing the Model 270 server.
If a Power Distribution Unit (PDU) is installed in the #0551 iSeries Rack, two #1422 PDU Line Cords can be ordered for
the Model 270 instead of the standard country- or region-specific line cords.
Valid on initial orders only
Prerequisite: #0551 iSeries Rack
Corequisite: #7104 System Unit Expansion
The #0121 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#0122 #0122 Upper Unit in Rack Specify
The #0122 identifies that the 270 server is to be installed the upper position of a #0551 iSeries Rack above another Model
270. The two Model 270s require 30 EIA units, which leaves six EIA units available in the rack for other devices. The #0122
provides the appropriate mounting rails and tray for installing the second 270 system unit in the rack.
If a PDU is installed in the #0551 iSeries Rack, two #1422 PDU Line Cords can be ordered for the Model 270 instead of
the standard country- or region-specific line cords.
Valid on initial orders only
Corequisite: Separate order is required for a Model 270 with a #0551 iSeries Rack and a #0121 Lower Unit in Rack Specify.
The other system must have the same Scheduling Entry Number (SEN) and Customer Requested Arrival Date (CRAD).
A #7104 System Unit Expansion must be included for each Model 270.
The #0122 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#0127 270 Field Install in Rack
The #0127 indicates that a Model 270 is mounted in the #0551 iSeries Rack (either top or bottom). It is supported on initial
order systems and on MES orders and ship a a set of “sliders” and a tray.
Prerequisite: #0551 iSeries Rack, #7104 System Unit Expansion
Corequisite: If a system is installed in the upper rack position and is not cabled to a PDU, then a 14-ft line cord is required.
The #0127 was withdrawn from marketing on 07 May 2003.