How to Use This Book
This book describes how to use the CallCoordinator for Windows telephone, Call Log, and Personal
Directory features.
How This Book is Organized
This book has the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows,” briefly describes CallCoordinator for Windows.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started,” explains what you should know about CallCoordinator for Windows
before using it.
Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” describes how to use the CallCoordinator for Windows
telephone features.
Chapter 4, “Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory,” describes how to use the Call
Log and Personal Directory features.
Highlighting Conventions
The following highlighting conventions are used in this book:
Identifies the following types of information:
Directory names
Information that you should type as shown
Keys that you should press
Bold Italic
Identifies new terms defined in the text and in the glossary
Identifies output examples, including the following:
Messages from the system
Specific data values
Text displayed in windows
xii CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide