1. Example of CallCoordinator for Windows Environment ...................... 5
2. CallCoordinator for Windows Group Window ........................... 7
3. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window ............................ 8
4. Settings Pull-Down Menu .................................... 16
5. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons Only .................... 17
6. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons with Text .................. 18
7. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Buttons with Text ................. 18
8. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Settings Pull-Down Menu ................ 19
9. Set Color Window ........................................ 21
10. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Currently Selected Line ............. 26
11. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Pushbuttons ................... 27
12. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu ............. 29
13. Logon/Logoff Window for the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch ................ 30
14. Logon/Logoff Window for the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch .............. 31
15. Activity Window—AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch ...................... 32
16. Activity Window—Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch ..................... 33
17. Activity Window—ROLM 9751 Switch .............................. 34
18. CCWin Dial Pad Window .................................... 35
19. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu ...................... 37
20. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu ..................... 38
21. CCWin Dial Pad Window—HAT Pull-Down Menu ........................ 40
22. CCWin Run HAT Window .................................... 40
23. CCWin Notes Window ...................................... 42
24. CCWin Notes Window ...................................... 45
25. CCWin Transfer Window ..................................... 46
26. CCWin Transfer Window—Data Pull-Down Menu ........................ 47
27. CCWin Transfer Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu ..................... 50
28. CCWin Conference Window ................................... 53
29. CCWin Conference Window—Data Pull-Down Menu ...................... 54
30. CCWin Conference Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu .................... 57
31. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Call Log Pushbutton ............... 60
32. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Features Pull-down Menu ............ 62
33. Enabling the Call Log ...................................... 63
34. CCWin Call Log Window ..................................... 64
35. Log Settings Window ...................................... 67
36. Log Settings View Folder .................................... 68
37. Log Settings Sort Folder ..................................... 69
38. Log Settings Filter Folder .................................... 71
39. Call Log Filter Type Box ..................................... 73
40. Call Log Filter Date Box ..................................... 74
41. Call Log Filter Time Box ..................................... 75
42. Call Log Filter Party Box ..................................... 76
43. Call Log Filter Phone Number Box ............................... 77
44. Call Log Filter Notes Box .................................... 78
45. Log Settings Overflow Folder .................................. 80
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994 vii