Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons
Information about your telephone’s status is conveyed to you not only through status messages, but also
through animation of the telephone icon and through its color. For example, when your telephone rings,
the icon looks as if it is ringing, and it also changes to yellow to indicate the ringing state. (Yellow is the
default color.) The colors for the other states are as follows:
Gray represents the Idle state
Green represents the Active state
A red light represents the Held state; the telephone icon is gray
You can change these colors, which are defaults in CallCoordinator for Windows, to those that you prefer
to represent Idle, Ringing, Active, and Held. The colors that you select apply to each line that you have.
(For example, if you have four lines, all the icons will be one color when the lines are idle.)
Do the following to set the colors for the telephone icons:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Colors, or press C.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Set Color window, as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Set Color Window
Chapter 2. Getting Started 21