
Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer
38 751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
The computer returns the CgS+BV4 transaction to the host application:
Configuring the Computer in a UDP Plus Network
Use the host computer to configure a 751G in your wireless network. To
send and receive configuration data or files, write a host application that
can communicate with an Intermec Application Server (IAS) (formerly
Gateway or DCS 30X).
For help, see the appropriate Gateway or DCS 30X User’s Manual. Use the
Terminal Message Format (TMF) protocol to send and receive transactions
between the host application and the 751G.
To set up the IAS, configure a peer-to-peer destination name for the host
application. Create a $NGCFGRSP transaction ID that routes to this
destination name. The IAS uses the transaction ID to route responses from
the 751G back to the host application. $NGCFGRSP is a special
transaction ID that the server uses to forward configuration response data
from a 751G.
All configuration responses are routed with the $NGCFGRSP transaction
ID. The IAS cannot track multiple applications sending reader or
configuration commands. If you have two host applications sending reader
or configuration commands, they must both be configured to receive the
$NGCFGRSP transactions, and receive all 751G responses.
To set up the host computer, verify host computer-to-IAS communication.
To set up the application, prepare and write a host application that can
communicate with the IAS and send transactions to and receive
transactions from the 751G in this format.
Cg is a TMF Configuration Get response.
$+ is the Change Configuration reader command.
BV4 means the Beeper Volume configuration command is set to a value of 4, which is
a very high beeper volume.
transaction header TMF field commands
is a 96-byte field with message number, date, time, source application ID,
destinations application ID, transaction ID, and other. Set the system
message (SYS$MSG) flag to E in the transaction header.
TMF field is a 2-byte field containing one of these values:
CG Configuration Get request sent from the host application.
Cg Configuration Get response sent from the 751G to host computer.
CS Configuration Set request sent from the host application.
Cs Configuration Set response sent from the 751G to the host computer
commands are the reader and configuration commands to set on the 751G or the current
value to retrieve from the 751G. To save configuration changes in flash
memory, send the .+1 reader command as the last command. See the
Intermec Computer Command Reference Manual for supported commands.