
Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer
78 751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Networking APIs
The API provided by Intermec Technologies exposes a limited set of
routines that allows a programmer to access and affect the 802.11b/g
network interface card from within their application. The routines
provided also reads/writes values to the CE registry that pertain to the
802.11b/g radio driver. By using the provided functions, a programmer can
alter the 802.11b/g parameters of Network Name (SSID), WEP keys,
infrastructure modes, radio channel, and power management modes. A
programmer can also retrieve network connect status and signal strength
indication from the RF network card.
The API is contained within the 80211API.DLL file that should be present
in any load with the 802.11b/g networking installed.
The Profile Manager supports up to four radio configuration profiles.
These profiles are the same as those set by the Wireless Network control
panel applet that runs on the Windows CE unit. You can configure
different 802.11b/g profiles and switch between them using the 802.11
API. See “ConfigureProfile()” on page 92 for more information.
Basic Connect/Disconnect Functions
Below are functions available for the 751G when enabled with the
802.11b/g radio module.
Connects to the available radio. Use this function if you plan on using a lot
of API calls that talk directly to the radio. Note that the 802.11b/g radio
must be enabled via NDISTRAY before you can connect to it.
80211API.DLL This file is an Intermec authored file that provides the programmer with a set of API calls to
configure or monitor status of the 802.11b/g network.
80211PM.DLL This handles profile management for radio configurable values.
URODDSVC.EXE This handles radio configuration and security authentication based on a selected profile. There is a
user interface to this service that provides status of the supplicant as well as status of the 80211b/g
authentication process.
ZNICZIO.DLL A replacement for NDISUIO.DLL that supports the Funk Supplicant.
Syntax UINT RadioConnect( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise
Remarks Call this function before you call any other function found within this
API. It hunts out and connects to the 802.11b/g radio available on the
system. Check extended error codes if it returns anything for information.
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioConnect)();
UINT RadioConnect();