
Chapter 3 — Configuring the Computer
751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual 49
AutoExec (AutoExec.exe) automates operations such as pausing, launching
processes, or signaling, and is configured through the AutoExec data file
(AutoExec.dat). This script file must be in the same directory as the
program itself.
AutoExec [-%[W]] [-E=["X"]] [-F=["Y"]] [-LOG=] [-W=[Z]]
Process return code uses standard error codes defined in WinError.h.
Keywords that AutoExec supports are:
Examples of keyword usage are as follows:
; Allow message pop up if an error occurs.
; Log any debug output to a trace file.
Note: Intermec considers the usage of the AutoExec data file as “Intermec
Private.” AutoExec installs Intermec applications such as Data Collection,
Security Supplicants, Intermec Management, applets, and shortcuts from
components found in the Flash File System. Do not modify the AutoExec
data file. Instead, use the AutoRun program to add software components.
-% Passes an ID to use in a call to SignalStarted. This argument is useful only during
system startup that relies on a SignalStarted to call. W is an integer value.
-E Passes a signal event name to use when autoexec completes. X is a string value.
-F Overrides data file to use. Must be a fully qualified name. Default is
“autoexec.dat” in same location as AutoExec.exe program. Y is string value.
-LOG Set to any value logs activity to AutoExec.txt (in the same location as the
AutoExec.exe program). Default is disabled.
-W Pauses the autoexec process by calling sleep for the number of seconds specified
by Z. Z is an integer value.
QUIET Enables user notification when an error occurs.
LOGGING Enables logging to a trace file.
SIGNAL Enables the specified named event and is immediately signaled. Useful for
notifying other components of the current status.
CALL Processes another .dat file. When called file is complete, file is resumed.
RUN Runs a program with a SW_SHOWNORMAL attribute. Autoexec does not
wait for the child process to exit.
LOAD Runs a program with a SW_HIDE attribute. Autoexec waits for 60 seconds
for the child process to exit or EXECWAIT seconds if set.
EXEC Runs the specified program. AutoExec waits 60 seconds for the child
process to exit or EXECWAIT seconds if set.
EXECWAIT Changes the default EXEC wait time from 60 seconds to the number of
seconds specified. There is a maximum 10-minute limit imposed.
WAIT Forces a sleep for the specified number of seconds to occur.
WAITFOR Forces a sleep until the named event is signaled.