shelf on floor of oven. Product
damage may result,
• Use potholders when handEing
metal shelf and utensils. THEY
o DO HOT store microwave
browning dish on metal she]If.
• Use of shelf with Automatic
Cooking is not recommended.
The wire shelf is designed for added capacity heating
and reheating In your microwave oven. More than
one food may be heated or reheated and ready to
serve at the same time.
When microwaving with the oven shelf, it Is important
to arrange foods properly. Cookware size is important.
Be sure dishes will fit together on or under the shelf.
Food size should be considered; foods over 4 Inches
high or 3 1/2 Ibs., are not recommended for shelf
Batters and dough foods and also uncooked foods
which need to be prepared from scratch should be
cooked without the oven shelf following recipe
Use potholders when handling foods heated together
with your oven shelf, especially when heating larger
amounts of food. Extra steam generated from multiple
food cooking may make cookware hotter than with
regular mtcrowavtng..
To position the microwave oven shelf, tip the back
slightly and fit the shelf support guldes ontothe support
guides located on each side of the oven in the rear.
Tips for Reheating Similar Foods
Two plates of leftovers --- Arrange thick or dense
foods to outside edges of plate and cover with plastic
wrap. Stagger plates with one on shelf and one on
oven floor. Microwave for 2-3 minutes on HIGH (10)
and reverse position of plates (top to bottom) and
rotate 1/2 turn. Continue heating until hot.
Two casseroles -- Cover with plastic wrap. Use
staggered arrangements of food. Place food on right
side of shelf and left side of floor. Microwave and
reverse positions of food after 1/2 of tlme_ Also, heat
small bowls of leftovers this way, stirring and
reversing positions after half of tlmeo
Two frozen entrees (5-7 ozoeach) or two W dinners--
Follow package directions. If there are foil covers,
remove them. Place one "IVdinner on right snell and
second dinner on left floor. Microwave and reverse
positions (top and bottom) and rotate foods 1/2 turn.
Continue mlcrowavlng as directed until foods are
Tips for Reheating Different Types of
When heating different types of food together, foods
which should be served hot must be placed on the oven
floor, while foods which are only warmed should be
placed on the shelf. Microwave energy enters the oven
from the bottom only. It Is important to remember that
foods absorb microwave energy at different rates. You
may need to start heating large or dense food a few
minutes ahead of smaller or less dense foods. Stagger
and rotate foods as described above.
Next, lower the front until the shelf support guides fit
onto the support guides located at each side ofthe oven
in the front.
When properly positioned, the shelf should fit snugly In
place, be level and not touch the back wall of the oven.
If _rcing occurs when using the shelf to cook
more fhan one food at the same timej turn the
oven off. Make sure the shelf is positioned right
side up on all four shelf supports and not touching
oven walls.
19 NEMiC06