Read all instructions BEFORE using this appliance.
Wh_ using electrica_ appliances, basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the followtn_;
_lways use this appliance only for its intended use as
described in lhis manual.
_ sure your appliance Is properly installed ant
_;ounded b_ a qualified technician In accordance wi_
_h_ insis_l_t!on tn_ructions provtoec,
_eio,'_;. perzormin; any service, DISCONNECT T_-iE
LI€_ _f_l_" =._r,_polholders Moist or damp potholders
Dr_h_T_f_'_-.es may result in burns from steam. Do no,
1_ p_f_lders touch hot heating elemenls. Do not use
&';_W_I or ¢F_f/_rbulky cloth.
eep oven and vent clean to maintain good venting and
ic_avmd grease fires.
Wh._n cooking pork, follow the directions exactly and
n!w.3ys cool{ the meat to an Internal temperature of at
least 170_F. This assures that, in the remote possibility
that lrichina may be present In the meat, tt will be killed
and the meat will be safe to eat.
Stan_ away irom the oven when opening the oven
door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause burns
1ohands, face or eyes.
[3o z_ot a/lempt to repair or replace any part of your oven
u:}less it is specifically recommended in this book. All
oliver servicing should be referred to a qualified
C,_,UTtON: items of interest to chil-
dren should not be stored in cabi-
nels alive an oven. Children climb-
ing on the oven to reach items
_ould b_ seriously injured.
D_ ,,_i store or use combustible materials, gasoline or
uther !lammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance,
Do not let cooking grease or olher flammable materials
accumulate in or near the oven.
Do not tOUCl_heating elements or Interior surface of
ovP.n. These surfaces may be hot enough to burn even
though they _re dark In color. Do not let clothing or other
_Iammable materials contact the interior of the oven.
Allow sufficient time for cooling.
Potentially hot surfaces Include the oven vent opening
and surfaces near the opening and crevices around the
oven door° Remember: The Inside surface of the oven
may be hot when the door is opened.
De no_ block oven vent area.
Ke_p oven free from grease buildup Keep clean t_
maintain good vent!ng and to avoid grease fires.
Place oven shelf tn desired position while oven Is cool
ifshelves must be handl_edwhen hot, do not let potholde_
contact heating units in the oven
PuHin=_ ot_ shelf to the shelf stop Is a convenience ir
lifting heavy foods. It is also aprecaution against burn_
from touching hot surfaces of the door or oven walf_
When using cookin_ or roasting bags In oven,,follow the
manufacturer's directions
_,o not: use your oven to dry Items; tfoverheated, they
can catch fir&
Do no_ clean door gasket. The door gasket Is
essentiai for a good seal. Care should be taken not to
rub, damage or move the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners,, No commercial overl cleaner
or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be
used |n or around any part of the oven.
Clean only parts listed In this Owner's Manual.
]Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan and
other cookware.
Do not use aluminum fell anywhere Inthe oven except
as described In this manual. Misuse could result In a
shock, fire hazard or damage to the oven.
This appliance should be serviced only by
qualified service personnel. Contact nearest
authorized sentice facility for examination_ repair
or adjustment,
This appliance must be connected to a grounded,
metamc, permanent wiring system, or an equipment
grounding conductor should be run with the circuit
conductors and connected to the equipment grounding
terminal or lead on the appliance. The possibility c!
electrical shock exists with an unplugged microwave.
Do not operate this appliance If it is not working
properly or if it has been damaged or dropped.
As with any appliance, close supervision Is necessary
when used by children.
tf self-cleanlng mode malfunctions, turn off and
disconnect at the fuse or ctrcuit breaker panel. Have
serviced by a qualified technician.
Do not heat unopened food contalnerso Pressurebulld-
up may make container burst and cause injury.
3 NESAF18-1