On the folowlng pages, al removable pans of your Cooking Cen_erare sho'_vn. R-_ferto those pages when clean!ng
your C_okJn_ C_nte._. Warm water, a ml!d detergent, and a soft cloth are saie to use on al cleanable parts of your
range. Do not use metal scouring pads, except where recommended. Range finish will be porcelain enamel
Porcelain enamel looks like a painted surface.
Bake and Broil Units
Broiler Pan and Grld
Metal, Including Chrome
S_de Trims and Trim Strips
Set{-Clesn]ng Own Interior
Oven Door Gasket of
Self-Cleaning Oven
Oven Racks
Control Psnet
DO NOT clean the bake and broil
Detergent,warm water, soap-
filled scouring pad, plastic
scouring pad, commercial oven
DO NOT use oven cleaner around
any part of the oven
Glass cleaner and paper towels
If you need additional clean!ng for
spotting, wash with equal parts
white vinegar and warm water.
Rinse well and dry.
Door should be completely open
when cleaning top edge.
Soap end water
DO NOT use oven cleaner around
any part of the oven
Detergent, warm water, scouring
pad or soap-filled sloe! wool pad
Detergent, warm water, scouring
pad or soap-filed st_.ei wool pad
Lightly dmnpened cloth
DO HOT use abrasive cleaners,
steel or plastic pads.
Any soil will burn off when the unit Is"
heated. NOTE: The bake unit Is hinged
and can be lifted gently to clean the oven
floor, tf splIIover, residue or ash
accumulates around the bake unlt, gently
wtpe around the unit with warm water.
Remove soled pan from oven to cool.
Drain fat or dr!pplngs. Fillpan with warm
water. Sprin_de grid wih detergent and
cover with damp cloth or paper towels.
Let pan and grid soak for a few minutes.
R!nse or scour as needed. Dry well. Grid
and pan may be washed In a dishwasher.
Do not allowwater to run down Inslde
openings In do0rwhlle cleaning. Remove
stubborn soil with past_ of baiting soda
and water. Donot use abrastve cleanerso
Rlnse thoroughly, Door can be removed;
see removable parts secton.
Wash,rinse,andthenpolshwitha dry
cloth.DO NOT uses_.ee!_mol,abras!ves,
ammonia, acids, or commercial oven
cleaners which may damage the flni_h.
Rinse thoroughiy al_.r cleaning. Cleaning
Inside the oven need only be done as an
optional touch-up between set-clean
cycles. S¢_a_the _lf.cle_nlng oven sectlon
of this manual ior more Information.
DOOR GASKET. See Self-Cleaning
Section for more Inlormaflon.
Remove from oven to clean. Rinse
Don't use sharp-edged utensls around
th_ contro! panel They might dam_ IL
DO NOT use cleaning sprays or large
amounts o_ soap and water_ These can
cause problems wilh the control
25 NECCH08-3