V_ 20gQ/VR-2OBO/KRF VB£B 10/K_F-V77710 [FniK]
S eaker connections PRE OUTconnectionsS eak ctions PRE OUT, o.,
"1 The front speaker impedance is variable depending on the area
where the unit is sold, Read the note printed on the rear panel of
the unit.
O Strip coating.
• Never short circuit the
%_)_._ and - speaker cords
• Jf the lef_ and right
0 Insert. speakers are connected
inversely or the Speaker
cords are connected
w_th reversed polar}ty,
the sound wilt he um
natural with ambiguous
QSecure. acoustic tmag[ng. Be
,_) sure to connect the
speakers correctIy
Connection of
banana plugs
(U,S.A. and Canada)
O Secure.
_ Insert.
= Sound will not be heard
if Lhe speaker terminal
is not fuITy secured
[ Spea I K_'_('_", t
Pkera A I _,J \_/ [
7 Center Speake!
, iiiiiii iiiiiiii i iiii i ilrlll lU i,, ii __1111111 ii rl i ii iiiii '_ _,
PRE OUT connections
}"his receiver has additional pre out iacks. These can be used for various purposes, but wilJneed to be connected to an external power amplifier
as shown in the example below, Cennecting a speaker cord directly to a PRE OUT iaek wilt not produce any sound from the speaker
Be sure to set the SPEAKERS A key to the
ON position when using the PRE OUT
jacks in Room A,
No sound is output from the SUBWOOFER
iack when the SPEAKERS A key is set to the
OFF positior_,
Power amp
S L;rrOLlrI_l
Speake_ _ J