_P"_ Execute a macro in the "Macro Execute" menu screen,
ii!iii ,a- Sr; ti: custom1 ji':iiii
i::_i!_ Video Off |::[ Custorn2 lili!i!
i;ii;{ Aud o On |_[ Custom3 j_i
}%!.2 , w:i,_i:i3
• Select the icon of the component to be controlled.
Video On : Turns _he video comoonent's power ON O[
OFF. (The mode before selection will b_
chaneed.) The receiver's Dower wil! be tumet_
oq at the same time (If OFF is the mod_
.eGoaeed before selection is made. the__
be turned ON If the ON mode is already
en_aaed, the mode will not chancle }
Video Off : _he receiver's Dower OFF LTo turn the
Dower of either the video comoonent or [he
receiver OFF. set the receiver's Dower tq OFF
after first settino the video component OFF
_e Yideo On _e_;ting }
Audio On : Select to turn on the audio components.
tin the case of system connectionl
Audio Off : Select to turn off the audio components
(In the case of system connection)
Custom 1 : Select to execute "Macro Custom 1"
Custom 2 : Select to execute "Macro Custom 2",
Custom 3 : Select to execute "Macro Custom 3".
On Perfect Mac E_£ompatible mod=[_hen "Video On'V_'Video Off" of the 13rocedure_ is 8elected. the followins_o_qerations
_When "Prefect Macro" is executed, all the components in the AV system are turned ON or OFF.
The "Prefect Macro" operation is possible based on detection of the ONIOFF status of all AV components.
This receiver identifies the ON/OFF status of video components by detecting the sync signals in the video signals from them.
When the TV ON/OFF sensor is connected to the receiver, it detects the TV ON/OFF status by detecting the optical or mag netic
wave. (As the TV ON/OFF sensor connection is not possible with the KRF-V8881 D, the TV cannot be turned 0N/OFF with the
"Perfect Macro" operation.)
( Preparation
To make "Perfect Macro" executable, it is required to
perform the following related items as required.
• System connections
• Connecting the system control
• Installing the remote control transceiver
Insta!ling the "TV ON/OFF SENSOR"
• Setup of the remote control unit
• Setup for controlling AV components
Setup for macro play (automatic operation]
• Select the icon of the comDo£ent to be controlled IPerfect Macro
compatible eomconents)
Vi_eo On : Turns the video comoor_ent's Dower ON and
turns the Dower of the recelver ON at the s_m_
: Turns the video comoonent Dower OFF and
_wer of the receiver OFF _
$#[ect to turn on the audio components
tin the case of system connection}
Select to turn off the audio comoonents
t_e h f , t m nn ,_io
Cu.__u&t#_EL_ Setect to execute "Macro Custom
Custom 2 Se[ect to execute "Macro Custom 2"
Custom 3 S,.lect to execute Macro Custom 3
• May not ooetate normally deDendin_ on the video signals of the
contracted ¢0m_r_en_s.