Setup for playing two CO players from Room A and Room B
_ Connect CD players.
The connection as described below is required when a KENWOOD CD player and a CD player from other manufacturer are connected or
when two non-KENWOOD CD players are connected for listening in "Room A" and "Room B". However, note that it is not possible to
connect and control two CD players from a same manufacturer,
Connect the output of the first CD player to the CD1 input jacks on the rear panel so that it is remote controlled as the "CDI" from the
fixed segments. Connect the output of the second CD player to the CD2/TAPE2 MONITOR input jacks on tile rear panel so that it is
remote controlled as the "CD2tTape2" from the fixed segments.
_ Operation in the "Setup Multi Room" menu.
Q Display the "Setup Multi
Room" menu screen,
QTo listen ir_ "Room A', set
• To listen in "Room B", set
Otoeration for displaying the "Setup Multl Room" menu screen :
O Select the "Main Menu" icon.
I_ Select the "Stp" icon.
O Select the "Multi Room" icon,
Operation in the "Setup Multi Room" menu screen :
O Select and set the "Multi Room" icon to "Yes".
0 Select and set the "Zone Select" icon to "Room A" or
"Room 8" according to your location.
O Press and hold the "DISPLAY MODE" key on the main
unit for more than 2 seconds to set the iR RECEIVER
location to "IR RECEIVER B".
_ Operation in the "Setup Input" menu.
• Display the "Setup Input"
• In this screen, perform the
setup for controlling the 2 nd
CD player
Operation for displaying the "Setup Input" menu screen ;
O Select the "Main Menu" icon,
Select the "Stp" icon,
_) Select the "Input" icon,
Operation in the "Setup Input" menu screen :
O Select aod set the "CD2/Tape2" icon to "Tape2".
_ Setup IR.
I In step Ig of the procedure in "Assigning the connected components to the selected inputs", input the "Setup IR" codes of the
manufacturers of the two CD players for the "CDl" and "Tape2" inputs respectively. The synchro cord can be connected to tbe "CD1 "°
component only when the "CDI" component is a KENWOOD CD player,
Setup for playing a COplayer from RoomA and RoomB ratherCDplayert_a.the/ulti-r0o=capabilityCOPlayer)
D Connect the CDplayer.
To play a CD player other than the KENWOOD Twin Pick CD Player in "Room A" and "Room B', connect the output of the CD player '_
to the CD1 input jacks on the rear panel so that it is remote controlled as the "CDt" input.
_ Operation in the "Setup Multi Room menu.
Perform the same setup operation as in step [] of "Setup for playing two CD players from Room A and Room B".
_ Operation in the "Setup Input" menu.
I erform the same setup operation as in step El of "Setup for playing two CD players from Room A and Room B".
_l setup IR.
In step _ of the procedure in "Assigning the connected components to the selected inputs", select the "CD1 °° input and input the
setup code for KENWOOD system control, The synchro cord can be connected to the "CDI" component only when the "CDI"
component is a KENWOOD CD player,
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