Leica CM 3050 S – Cryostat
5. Operation
Once the instrument has gone through the initial
sequence of indications, you can go on to the
menu functions to select and/or change instru-
ment parameters.
If display is locked:
Press key until display background
lights up.
Next, press the menu key. With each key stroke
the following parameters will be displayed (dis-
play sequence as listed):
1. Specimen temperature
(in instruments with specimen cooling only)
(-10 - -50 °C)
2. Cryochamber temperature
(0 - -40 °C)
3. Selected number of sections - preset
(ON/OFF and setting selection from 1 to 999)
4. Maximum specimen temperature
5. Real time
(in 1-minute steps)
6. Defrost time (starting time of automatic
cryochamber defrosting)
(in 15-minute steps)
7. Duration of defrost cycle
(cryochamber defrosting)
(6 to 12 minutes duration)
Menu items 5 and 6 displayed on 24 hour clock.
1. Specimen temperature:
(instruments with specimen cooling only)
Press key until menu item ‘Set specimen
temperature’ is displayed:
Press key briefly.
The line in the specimen temperature
field is replaced by an asterisk.
From this point on the refrigeration sys-
tem is activated and the desired set
temperature can be selected with one
of the arrow keys.
Press arrow key and release upon
reaching the desired value.
Note on the arrow key function:
Each time one of the arrow keys is pressed
briefly, the value displayed in the menu will be
changed one step up or down.
If an arrow key is pressed and held, the value
will change continually (auto-repeat function).
When holding the key, scrolling speed will in-
crease after a while.
As soon as a value is displayed, it is at the same
time automatically stored.
5.3.4 Menu functions: setting parameters of refrigeration, time and preset counter
- ❄
CT. . ..°C OT-35°C